What a busy year it’s been for us this year! With gigs all over the UK, and our regular Monday night slot at Lansdown Golf Club, we’ve been kept busy.
Thank you to all who came to our Christmas party last week. We raised an impressive £450 for the Joel Prince Starlight Fund, this year’s charity. That brings the total for the year to over £2,500!
On the 7th December we also played in Bath city centre for our annual Christmas busking on behalf of the Rotary Club. This year we’ve been told they raised just over £1,350 on that Saturday alone so were very grateful for our help.
The final bit of news for the year, a few weeks ago saw the launch of our album, So Lucky, across a worldwide network of streaming and download sites including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music and Google Play. That means if you’ve got subscriptions to any of those services, you can listen to our album throughout the whole of the Christmas season! Some might say, you’re “So Lucky”.
On behalf of all of us in Park Lane Big Band, may we wish you all a very merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you at our next golf club gig on Monday 27th January 2020! To keep you going until then, here’s a few photos from our Christmas gig.
Credit to Charlie Matters for the photos.