Picture the scene. I’m composing this blog post whilst sat in a typical English public house, cold beer in hand, sat next to a roaring log fire. There’s mulled cider available to buy and it’s snowing gently outside.
Ok, perhaps not all of this is true. It’s a cold November evening, a bit wet, the fire is out, and the pub is empty. But, there is still a Christmas theme in the air, as tonight is the night that Park Lane starts to rehearse Christmas music.
Come along to our Christmas concert
Those of you lucky enough to have come to one of our Live @ Lansdown gigs before, will know that we have quite an extensive Christmas repertoire. From Tom Kubis, to, well, Tom Kubis, you’ll know that we have a fairly set style that we like.
This year, however, things are a-changing. We have new Christmas music! To keep the suspense going, you’ll have to come along to our Christmas gig which, this year is Monday 17th December. As always with our gigs at Lansdown Golf Club, you’ll need to let us know in advance if you’re coming so we can add your name to the list on the door.